Stowing Zepp Sticks
The design flexibility of Zepp Sticks® allows for different options for stowing and covering the mainsail
1 Traditional mainsail cover
If you want to keep the look of the traditional cover where the mainsail is secured with sail ties directly to the boom, then Zepp Sticks are folded in under the sail and parallel to the boom, or they can be removed from the boom, before mainsail is covered.
This type of mainsail cover, while less bulky, would require “leaf” extensions to maximize shade in Zepp Sticks’ sun shade configuration.

2 Photo shows Gathering Arms tucked in under mainsail before the mainsail was covered.

3 Zepp Sticks’ ends wrapped with guards to protect mainsail cover.
The guards depicted here are repurposed wind surf boom bras. Sail ties secure mainsail to Zepp Sticks’ Bases before mainsail is covered. This full cover is also used in Zepp Sticks’ sun shade configuration, with no “leaves” needed.

4 Gathering Arms removed and mainsail cover tucked in between Zepp Sticks’ Base and mainsail
In this position it is recommended Sunbrella “socks” be fitted on the exposed Zepp Sticks’ ends to reduce effects of UV on composites.