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Shading the Sun with Zepp Sticks
Zepp Sticks® can also be used as the framework for a cover to shade your boat from the sun. You can stretch the mainsail cover over the framework or work with your local canvas shop to create a design that works best on your boat.
1 Zepp Sticks Gathering Arms articulated and extended out horizontally
Zepp Sticks pictured have a Base length of 4 feet and have been extended out to 8 feet.

2 Zepp Sticks serving as a sun shade support frame
In this photo the mainsail cover is used as a sun shade.
Other canvas options will work with Zepp Sticks.

3 For safety, tie down lines are rigged from the Zepp Sticks’ ends in case the wind freshens
On this boat, a 4th Zepp Stick could be added to extend sun shade aft over the cockpit. You could also have your canvas shop make “leaves,” akin to expanding a dining room table, that fasten to outboard sides of the splayed mainsail cover

4 Lower Zepp Stick configured for Shade the Sun, upper Zepp Stick configured for Catch a Sail

5 Close up of Zepp Stick Harness Assembly in Shade the Sun configuration
The Harness is locked in the 0/180 degree position and the Gathering Arm butt end is slid in Harness Assembly so the Butt End tip hole is aligned over the rigging hole in the Base. Small stuff is used to secure the parts together

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